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What is myopia?
Myopia is another name for short sightedness where person can not see objects placed far from his or her eyes when other persons with normal vision can seem them.

How does myopia affect retina?
While eyes with myopia may have normal retina; eyes with high myopia may develop retinal thinning (lattice degeneration) and breaks which if untreated can lead to retinal detachment.

I am a myopic. What should I do to ensure my retina is safe?
You should get your retina checked by a retina specialist. Thereafter regular retina check up is needed. If there are any retinal changes due to myopia, the doctor may prescribe treatment for that.

How is lattice degeneration and retinal breaks treated?
Lattice degeneration and retinal breaks are treated with laser photocoagulation which is called barrage laser.

My retina is weak due to myopia, can I undergo LASIK treatment?
Yes, you can still undergo LASIK treatment if your retina is weak. However, you require a thorough examination of retina by a retina specialist who will provide the final go ahead. He or she may suggest you to undergo laser treatment to weak areas of retina before you undergo LASIK treatment.

What are the most important things to keep in mind if your retina is weak due to myopia?
You should note if you see flashes of light which can be seen with both open and closed eyes. An increase in floaters or feeling of obstruction in vision due to a curtain or veil are also to be watched for, retina eye hospital in kolkata. These symptoms mean an urgent need for retina check up by a retina specialist.

Can I work on computers if my retina is weak due to myopia?
Yes, working on computers do not affect retinal weakness caused by myopia.

Can I study for long hours if my retina is weak due to myopia?
Yes, studying for long hours is perfectly fine even if your retina is weak due to myopia.

What is diabetic retinopathy?
Diabetic retinopathy is damage to retina due to diabetes mellitus.

Does every diabetic patient get diabetic retinopathy?
Most of the patients of diabetes mellitus develop diabetic retinopathy. However not every patient of diabetic retinopathy progress to stage of loss of vision.

I am a diabetic and my vision is perfect, can I still have diabetic retinopathy?
Yes, a diabetic patient with perfect vision may have diabetic retinopathy. Such patient requires regular check up to assess the progression of diabetic retinopathy to sight threatening stage, best doctors for retina treatment in Kolkata and to alert the treating diabetologist to control the diabetes mellitus.

What are the risks of developing diabetic retinopathy?
The longer the duration of diabetes mellitus, more is the risk of development of diabetic retinopathy. Poor control of blood glucose is second most important risk factor. High blood pressure and high cholesterol increase the possibility of progression of diabetic retinopathy.

How is diabetic retinopathy treated?
Apart from control of diabetes mellitus, diabetic retinopathy is treated with laser, intravitreal injections and retinal surgery.

Is there a cure of diabetic retinopathy?
Diabetic retinopathy can be controlled to maintain the good vision. It can not be cured.

How many injections are needed to treat diabetic retinopathy?
Diabetic retinopathy requires multiple intravitreal (inside the eye) injections over few years' time. Retinal lasers are also repeated on multiple occasions to control the progression.

Is surgery always necessary?
Surgery is not always necessary for diabetic retinopathy. It is needed if there is vireoushemorrhage (bleeding inside the eye) or retinal detachment due to diabetic retinopathy.

Can I become blind due to diabetic retinopathy?
The risk of becoming blind is there with untreated diabetic retinopathy with poorly controlled blood glucose. However, most of the patients do maintain vision albeit some decrease due to damage to blood supply to the retina.

Does working on computers worsen diabetic retinopathy?
No. working of computers does not worsen diabetic retinopathy.

Does smoking worsen diabetic retinopathy?
Yes, smoking can worsen diabetic retinopathy indirectly.

What is ARMD?
ARMD is damage to retina due to ageing.

What are the risk factors for ARMD?
Apart from ageing; smoking is a major risk factor for ARMD.

Can ARMD lead to blindness?
ARMD usually causes loss of central vision so that person can still see on the sides but the central vision becomes blurred or distorted.

Are there stages of ARMD?
ARMD can be of two types, a dry variety and a wet variety. The wet ARMD requires aggressive treatment because it can cause faster decrease in central vision.

How is ARMD treated?
Dry ARMD is a slow disease and usually treated with maintaining healthy lifestyle, multivitamins and avoidance of smoking, retina eye hospital in kolkata. Wet ARMD is treated with injection of medicines inside the eye which is called intravitreal injection.

How many injections are needed to treat wet ARMD?
Multiple intravitreal injections are needed to treat wet ARMD. Usually three injections are given at one month interval at the outset which is followed by injections at regular intervals or as and when needed.

How is the need of injections decided for wet ARMD?
Need of injections are decided by your doctor after going through your optical coherence tomography (OCT) report.

Can I work on computers if I have ARMD?
Yes you can work on computers if you have ARMD.

Do intravitreal injection require hospitalization?
Intravitreal injections are given in operation theatre and need hospitalization for few hours.

What precautions are needed after injtravitreal injection?
You need to avoid head bath or contact with water in your eyes for few days after intravitreal injection.

How long the treatment of ARMD last?
Since ARMD is an ongoing disease, the treatment can last from few months to years.

What is LASER?
LASER is a special form of light which is used to treat eye disease. LASER is done for many retinal diseases. In diabetic eye disease, retina eye hospital in kolkata, LASER is used to treat swelling of retina and to destroy areas of abnormal blood vessels. In cases of retinal hole or tear, LASER creates a sealed boundary around it to prevent retinal detachment.

How is LASER done?
LASER is done with machine fitted on the indirect ophthalmoscope which doctor wears on his or her head. The patient lies on the couch. It is also done on the slit lamp which looks similar to the examination chair in the OPD. In this type of LASER, the patient sits on a chair.

What preparation is required for LASER?
LASER is an OPD procedure and does not require any preparation like fasting. It does not require any injection for anaesthesia.

How much time does LASER take?
LASER can take few minutes.

Is LASER painful?
There may be discomfort or slight pain during LASER. The discomfort quickly subsides once the LASER procedure is completed.

What precautions are needed after LASER?
You may need to use an eye drop for few days. Doctor may prescribe analgesic tablet if needed. There is no need to avoid contact with water or avoid bathing after LASER. There is no food restriction.

When can I go to work after LASER?
You can join your work immediately after LASER once the effect of dilating eye drops wanes of.

Can I travel by train or air after LASER?
You can travel by road, train or aeroplane after LASER as there is no such restriction.

Do I need to wear dark glasses after LASER?
No, dark glasses are not required after LASER.

What is retinal detachment?
Eye ball is made of multiple layers. Inner most layer of the back of the eye ball is called retina. Retinal detachment happens when retina gets separated from rest of the layers of the eye ball.

Is retinal detachment an emergency?
A retina which has started to detach but not yet detached completely is an emergency. Emergency treatment can prevent total detachment of retina and save vision. A retina which has completely detached also requires early treatment.

What is done in retinal detachment treatment?
A partially detached retina can sometimes be treated with laser. However surgery is needed most of the times in case of both partial and totally detached retina.

What surgery is done for retinal detachment?
Retinal detachment surgeries are usually vitrectomy and scleral buckling.

What is scleral buckling?
Scleral buckling including placement of a silicon band around the eye ball to settle the detached retina. Silicon band is not visible after surgery.

What is vitrectomy?
Vitrectomy is internal approach to settle a detached retina and requires injection of gas or silicon oil inside the eye.

What precautions are required after retinal detachment surgery?
Apart from usual precautions like avoiding contact with water, retinal detachment surgery requires sleeping in prone position for certain hours of day for around two weeks after surgery. This is of utmost importance for success of retinal detachment surgery, retina eye hospital in kolkata. Patient need to avoid air travel and ascent to high altitudes like hill stations for three months if gas has been injected in their eye.

What happens to gas or oil injected in the eye?
While gas gets absorbed; oil needs to be removed by doing a smaller surgery after few months of retinal detachment surgery.

How soon can I go back to work after retinal detachment surgery?
Working for first two weeks is strictly not permitted as patient has to maintain prone position. After two weeks you may work at home but it is preferable to not go to office for a month after retinal detachment surgery.

How soon can I get my vision back?
Success of retinal detachment is assessed after four to six weeks of surgery.

What anesthesia is used for retinal detachment surgery?
Retinal detachment surgery can be done under local or general anesthesia.

Do I need to wear dark glasses after retinal detachment surgery?
Yes, dark glasses need to be worn for a month after retinal detachment surgery.

Your Problem, Our Solutions

Red Eye

Red or bloodshot eyes are caused by sudden rupture of the superficial blood vessels in the eye. They are not so much of concern, however if you have pain, watering, discharge…then it's a serious medical concern for which you should consult the eye doctor.

Sudden Loss of Vision

Sudden loss of vision is caused by ocular trauma, blockage of blood flow to the retina(venous or arterial occlusion) or separation of the retina from its normal position( Retinal Detachment). You should consult the Ophthalmologist immediately in such cases for the best outcome.

Get Rid of Glasses

If you have been wearing glasses for long and want to get rid of the fogging that is obscuring your vision due to wearing of mask, then you have varied options to be without glasses. You need a few tests beforehand for which you have to consult your Ophthalmologist.